Thursday, December 11, 2014

Loser Talk.

Sometimes, sentences such as "It doesn't matter how many times you fall, as long as you get back up" or "It's alright as long as I did my best" sound like loser talk - what losers say to make them feel better after failing to accomplish a goal.

Sentences like these can either be motivational or loser talks, but it is up to us how we see it.

I don't really have many examples but what I'm trying to say is how the same sentence can mean different things to different people. I am writing about this because I saw a potentially motivating quote being called loser talk. And I think it unfair for people who believe in it, and hang onto it for support, because sometimes such words are all they need to get over the fall and then, move on.

If you take the quote to heart, comforted from that defeat, and start working on a better you so you would give your [better] best, getting up every time that you fall, then it is motivational.

If you read and feel consoled, then do nothing, then it just may be loser talk.

Will you be a loser, or will you be motivated?


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas, & then some.

Warning. Long story ahead:

Here comes Santa Claus! With him are gifts and toys for kids! Uh oh, you almost blew your cover as Santa Claus when you kissed you wife under the mistletoe. Luckily, your kid didn't see that. And before you headed for the master bedroom, oops I mean chimney, you left a present for each of your loved ones in their stockings.

Presents donned with shiny paper, gently hugged by beautiful ribbons fill the space under the ever so unchanging Christmas tree (because it's plastic). Golden bells, candy canes, mistletoes and leafy thinga-majigga dangles from every corner and suitable space in the lightly dimmed house. You can hear the carols of neighbours during the peaceful nights of cold December and you would silently join in while sipping off eggnog from your favourite glass every ten seconds or so. Then early on Christmas day, you feel the warm embrace of heat on your skin as the sunrays enter through the glass window after the long cold hours of night, and you would sit by the tree with your loved ones and each of you would blatantly tear open sheets and sheets of wrapping paper from presents received. A season of giving, hmm.. Sounds like a decent Christmas, eh?

But is Christmas really all about trees and presents, candy canes and mistletoes, eggnog and log cakes? Is Christmas about Santa Claus? Who is Santa Claus anyway? Are the only things we can offer as gifts, presents bought with money?

Well, Christmas was originated from a pagan festival. Read more at

It was so that the pagans could accept the new religion, Christianity, easier with the knowledge that their merrymaking would not be halted. Nevertheless, the new festive season was created to celebrate and commemorate Christ's birth! The greatest gift of all!

When it comes down to it, Christmas isn't about jinglebelling or dashing through the snow. It isn't about Santa Claus (Who was actually Saint Nicholas, a bishop who secretly gives gifts and is remembered on every 6th of December).

The meaning of Christmas is to celebrate God's gift to us,
"For to us a child is born,
To us a son is given,"
Isaiah 9:6

Jesus, a righteous man, the Son of God, born of a virgin, died on the cross (a death of criminals) for us. With that, He paid for our death penalty (with His blood) that was sentenced on us by the wrath of God because of our sinful nature that is despised by the Father. God loves us, but hates sin. He cannot deny Himself (He is righteous), therefore, He must punish us for our wrongdoings. But because of His compassion and amazing grace (and love for us!), He gave His Son to endure suffering and shame to redeem us, all of humankind. A life for many lives. Atonement.

And that gift, of what Christ has done on the cross, is still open to all.
A gift remains just a gift unless you accept it and unwrap it.

What else have you given during Christmas other than a present? What about your time? What about your joy? What about your love? What about your message of peace?


The new year is here! Happy New Year! Happy 2014!

The year 2013, had come and gone,
It left with good memories, fun time and song,
But many scars it laid, upon the heart of my own,
In difficulty, sickness and temptations,
In January, bitterness was sown.
February was a month of experience,
An exposure to work in a conducive environment,
March, the start of a new adventure,
To test the truth of the things I treasure,
And it helped me grow, though in mind I was weak,
But I learned many things, by the end of the 13th week,
This journey lasted till the end of May,
I recall having dengue, even on graduation day.
And when June came, I re-entered my school,
Met many new friends, yes, I think they're cool,
I worked in Sushi King, until it was July,
Working teaches me, to not be too shy,
August, the deadline is near,
As we were sorting prom,
September brought in fear,
Of nearing examinations.
October was to study,
And study so we did,
November we took selfies,
And karaoke when papers finished.
December was the bomb,
Catching up with many old friends,
I wonder if I regret anything,
Did I miss out any chance?
But time is up for 2013,
The clock has been rewind.
The gear is set for 2014,
New things I wish to find.

Char Siew Pau.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Praises for Who?

On one fine Sunday morning, the Christmas choir were to perform a teaser of what was to come during our church's Christmas event. So, many of us in the Alto sat nearby each other. Before the teaser, we had our worship session, of course.

As we started singing songs to God, I could hear the people's voices around me, rising to praise our Father in heaven. And of course, the voices of the two strong young singers in the Alto, both on my right, would have been heard in my ear.

Well, I was tempted to sing louder. Maybe it was to prove that I could sing as well as them. And so I had to remind myself that singing songs of worship and praise is not to glorify myself, but to glorify God. Who was I praising? Myself? No! I was praising God!

It's so easy to be tempted in subtle ways. Singing louder during worship sessions for the wrong reasons. Playing louder in the musician team just to be heard. Quoting the Bible and saying all kind of theological stuff with the motive of showing off. All done with the right intentions are great services to God. But we can so easily be tempted to have wrong motives, or am I the only one?

Performing these tasks for the wrong reasons MIGHT not harm anybody but it will definitely harm you. Don't feed your ego or need to be recognised. Pride comes before a fall (You can check that up somewhere in Proverbs). Serve the Lord, not yourself.

I myself have much to learn and fix.
I'm currently struggling, maybe a dry season or the result of my laziness and lack of discipline, I'm not sure. But I'm not giving up. So no worries. :)

Who are you praising? Yourself? Or God?

Char Siew Pau.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

My Man.

A rhyme. No, I don't have a boyfriend. But it was fun to come up with this. :)

For a boy who's clueless:
I can't tell you how to be a man,
But I can tell you how to be my man.
Melt my heart with your chivalrous deeds,
Hold the door for me, help those in need,
Give me your jacket when I'm cold, or hug me instead,
Hold my hands, make me feel secure,
Take my hands; you lead,
Don't be a dictator or too much a democrat,
Take me to a place where we're both comfortable at,
Talk to me, be my best friend,
Love God first and love me then,
Cheer me up when I feel down,
Lend an ear, learn to calm me down,
Know my flaws and accept them all,
Be ready to be known, don't hold onto your ego,
Share everything with me,
Simple and complicated,
Even if it invokes anger or jealousy,
I rather the truth than something twisted,
Surprise me, romance me,
Doesn't need to be expensive,
Carry me like a kid,
Kiss me on the lips,
Tell me how you feel about me,
Whenever it comes to your mind,
Fight with me but don't let it last for a night,
Apologise first if I am stubborn,
I'll know my fault and then I'll ask for your pardon,
Joke with me, flirt with me,
Even when we're old,
Hold my hand and help me stand,
Correct me in quiet when I misunderstand,
Teach me when I'm wrong but don't embarass me,
Tease me all you want but never insult me,
Go through trials with me,
Don't ever think of leaving me,
Pray for me and our future,
Pray for those who need a cure,
Love me more than you love your money,
Speak out words as sweet as honey,
Though tis' much I ask overwhelms,
Just be who you are,
If you truly love God, then me,
These will naturally be up to par.
Then one day, when we have kids, we'll teach them how to love,
Don't be frightened, be patient with me, as I as well would love to do all of the above,
For you.

Janelle C.

Daughter or Servant?

A few weeks ago, I went to the market with my parents and Uncle W and Aunty B. I followed the men to buy fruits as I usually do (yes, I like checking out the fruits). After some time spent on fruit-shopping, the two uncles (my dad and Uncle W) took their "shopping bags" and headed to the car. Naturally, as my dad's daughter I would take his "shopping bags", which I did. So now my dad is left empty-handed. He talked to Uncle W as we headed for the car and I followed behind. And I saw. I saw one man free of "shopping bag" because his daughter came along and another man carrying his load. And it got a thought into my head.

I am not my father's servant but as I am his daughter, I would naturally serve him.
If I was his servant, I still would not be his daughter no matter what.
But if I was his daughter (which I was, and am still), I would naturally be his servant.

If I was my Father's daughter, I would naturally be His servant.
So I guess serving comes naturally to all those who knows God as their Father in Heaven. :)
As the Bible says, in one of the books written by the apostle Paul, He has adopted us as children through what Christ has done on the cross.

Just something to think about. :)

Char Siew Pau.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Been studying, and working (in the hols) since June.
And man, all I can say in this blog is how much I've deteriorated, if I may say, as a Christian.
But I believe writing these events will remind me and warn you readers.

In these days, of lack of time spent on reading the Word of God and little time praying and very much effort put into concentrating during prayers but to no avail, I feel afraid. It is a very scary feeling.

I still believe in God, and I always will. I guess it's true when they say that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. My excuse? Laziness and procrastination. But they are very lame excuses. Pathetic in fact.

But God is good. :)
He has always been. During this time, He still is with me. He listens to me when I come to Him, He is there. He reminds me of His goodness, and reminds me that the end is near. He fills my heart with songs of praise and of worship to Him, and I am reminded everyday of Him.

I hope as time goes on, I will be more disciplined in my devo time.

That's all I want to share.
Here's  one: I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back. The cross before me, the world behind me, no turning back, no turning back.

Char Siew Pau.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Business or Busyness?

Which would you choose?
To have business or to be busy?

What business? Business with God I mean :)
But it seems that we humans tend to drown in busyness rather than actively involve ourselves in God's business.

I have been feeling really busy these days,
writing minutes as a secretary, trying to cope with homework and lack of sleep, am gonna have a first aid examination tomorrow afternoon, will have my last driving lesson on SUNDAY, and then the driving test on Monday, and also, my monthly exam starts on the end of this month. And I have not even mentioned my responsibilities in church.

Well, why do I jump into all these you wonder?
Good question.
I always feel the need to learn more, but I know this has been a foolish act on my part as I have not been coping too well. I will soon though, no worries. :)

But my point is, what am I so busy for?
Where is my time for God then?
You're absolutely right, I don't have time for God.

But everyday I try to talk to Him, and guess what?
It's not enough.

I'm trying to spend more time with God now, yes I'll try. But most importantly, (you may call me a hypocrite anytime now) I must cut down on my activities aka busyness of the world so that I can play a part in God's business in the world.

Why don't I just give up trying to spend time with God since it seems that I can't find the time?
I can never live a day without God, it's like asking a flower to sit in the sun all day with no rain. I don't belong to this world and I can't bear to live in it without God.
PLUS, He's my God, my Father, my Friend, Counsellor, Redeemer and King. He owns my time. He's just been graciously allowing me to use it for myself.. Yep.

Btw, I was just reminded of how little time left I have on this earth and what the real important business is amidst all the hectic days of my week when I came down the dark stairway today with the song 'Turn your eyes upon Jesus' in my head.

It's so true that the things of this earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.
It's so crucial that we turn our eyes upon Jesus. And to look full in His wonderful face.
Don't ever miss out on God's business because of busyness.

So step 1, stop being busy.
Step 2, put on your suit (spiritual armor) and get into business.

How does this business look like?
I guess we can start by living like little Christs. :)

 "He owns my time. He's just been graciously allowing me to use it for myself." 
"Don't ever miss out on God's business because of busyness."

Char Siew Pau.